Saturday, December 13, 2014

Final: Part A

1. Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.
2. Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?
3. How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?
4. How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
5. How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)l
6. Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

1.       Bingen, Katherine
2.       As I was browsing over this blog my attention drew to all the information that was written in each blog post.
3.       As to the blog page itself, it looks like the author just went with the template that was given because it is just plain blue. Although, the posts on the blog looks like the author took the time on each one.
4.       The information on the blog I would scale a 5/5. The author seemed to have researched what she wrote about before writing the posts.
5.       I will give the readability of this blog a 5/5. As I read the blog it flowed smoothly within each blog and was well written.
6.       I think the review blog is a little better than mine only because in this blog the author used much more bolded titles so it was easier to find what I was reading about. 

2.       Right off the bat I really liked the page layout. The background made the text pop out at me more than just having a plain layout.
3.       I think the author of this blog put quite of time on this blog by setting up a cool layout and writing a good amount of information in each post.
4.       Reading the blog posts the information seems accurate but at the same time the author has no sources to back it up so I have no idea where it came from. Therefore, I would rate it overall as a 3.
5.       This blog was very reader friendly so I would give this blog a 5. It had some different styles between posts such as paragraphs as well as bullet points.
6.       This blog had all of the blog posts that were required, as does mine. I would not say that this blog is worse than mine, but the only thing lacking in this blog that I have in mine is the amount of pictures. I think this author could have imported more pictures to the later posts because there was only pictures in the earlier ones.

1.       Pedretti, Andrew
2.       This blog caught my eye as I was looking at it because it was different from most of the other blogs I looked at. It was much darker and there were pictures with most of the posts.
3.       I would have to say that this author did not put that much work into the blog itself because it was just a plain black template. The author did put more effort into the posts, which shows that the author cared about them with the information and pictures that were used.
4.       I will rate the quality of this blog a 4/5. I did this because it almost looks like in some of the blogs the author used more pictures than words. Therefore, it makes it hard for what the author was trying to say. Although, the author did use a good amount of sources.
5.       I would rate the readability of this blog a 4/5. In the blogs that were in paragraph form flowed smoothly and made sense as I read through it. The blogs that had pictures had bullet point which is nice but not all the pictures were written about or explained enough.

6.       I would have to say this blog is a little worse than mine because I feel like I had more information than this author had. This author did put the time in the blog but I feel like this author made the blog more from presenting it instead of informing the readers on the information.

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