Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Rise and Fall of King Waldemar

The downfall of the Hanseatic League started in 1361 by the greedy King of Denmark, Waldemar Atterdag. Hansa-cities had given the privilege to fish in Waldemar territories from earlier years but Waldemar though he should be controlling that area more. So in 1361 Waldemar took over the city of Visby in the island of Gotland in order to gain more control. One leader of the Hansa was angry and he got other on his side to start war against the Danes. With Johann Wittenborg of Luebeck to lead the attacks of the Hansa, they took over Copenhagen and then headed to Scania coastline. There is where the Hansa fleet was caught from sea by the Danish fleet and were forced to surrender. Unfortunately, in the terms of peace the Hansa were to give the revenue from the herring fisheries to the Danish crown. Once Waldemar made peace with the Wendish cities he decided to attack the Prussian ones for the next half decade. He ran out of support and finally had no other way but to sign a treaty that gave the Hanseatic merchants full rights.
Source:; 9/17/2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Group 6: Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg

Bavaria before the German Empire
The first people who lived there were the Celts. Later Romans took it over, but then lost it to the Germanic in the 5th century. Bavaria was Christianized in the 7th and 8th centuries by Irish and Scottish monks. Holy Roman Empire claimed Bavaria in the 10th century till it gave the land away in 1180 to start the Wittelsbach dynasty, which was to rule Bavaria until 1918. Source:; 9/7/2014.
In 1806 Bavaria became know as the Kingdom of Bavaria, just after Maximilian I named himself king. Then in 1871 the Kingdom of Bavaria united with the German Empire after the Franco-Prussian War. Source:; 9/7/2014.
Europa-Park in Baden-Württemberg
It is located in Rust, Baden-Württemberg, German and has 11 roller coasters. The park has over 100 attractions and amazing shows with 13 European themed areas plus 4 other themes. There are almost 5 million visitors per year. Source:; 9/8/2014.

Group members blogs:
Mustafa's: not in yet

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My expectations for German 110

I was interested in taking German 110 because I took German in high school for two years and though I should keep learning about it. I am hoping to learn more than just language but about Germany it self. So I am expecting to learn about the culture of Germany, its history, and its heritage. I would like to learn about how German culture today is different for our culture and others around the world. I am hoping to learn more about German history that doesn't involve war, the history that most people ignore. I would still like to learn more about WWI. I am also expecting to learn about how Germany became how it is today and the new and advanced things that are there. I want to learn more about the cars that are there, the types of food, and how the young adults are involved within the country. This is what I am hoping and expecting to learn while taking this course.